MTBC Choir Ministries

Meet Our Musicians

MTBC Male Choir
MTBC Senior Choir
MTBC Young Adult Choir
MTBC Youth Choir
Meet Our Musicians

What a talented group of Musicians we have here at Mt. Tilla.  Just to hear them play will prove to you that they are playing under the anoniting of The Holy Spirit !  When these group of Musicians come together...oh what a time we have!  With Their powerful soul felt playing and the voices of the Choir come together you can't help but know that The Lord is bound to show up in the place!  And here at Mt. Tilla when the Lord shows up he shows out and we LET HIM HAVE HIS WAY!

Sister Markeisha Smith, Keyboardist
Brother Roger Corbett, Keyboardist
Brother Joshua Wilcher, Drummer
Brother Ben Strange, Guitarist

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Thought for the Day:  Going to Church doesn't make you a Christian anymore than going to McDonald's makes you a hamburger.  Think about it!